Protect assets and information
How different teams are using Diode
Remote OT / IoT access
Equipment access
Access and maintain remote equipment through easy to manage 256-bit end to end encrypted connections.
Teams in sensitive regions
Sensitive Regions
Diode Collab is a secure replacement for Slack and Discord - it stores no data on a server and includes “ZTN” access for your team. No self hosting required.
PII, HIPAA, and sensitive information
Regulated Data
Diode Collab is a great way to keep your current regulated environments intact, while providing remote access to your suppliers and extended team.
Software entitlement provisioning
License Management
Diode equips every software installation with its own self-custody encryption keys that can be used to provision and manage software licenses.
Remove assets from the Internet
Isolated server systems
One of the largest sources of data breach is through a web portal. Isolate your Wordpress site, business information dashboard, or other sensitive system yet provide full access to your users.
Vet financial applications
Due dilligence
It is quick and easy to use Diode Collab for due dilligence on debt, equity, and insurance applications without exposing information to server environments that may retain it indefinitely.