Secure your mission team communication around the world.

Secure NGO and Mission Teams

Serve, equip, develop and empower people even in the most restricted regions around the world with the greatest level of security in an easy to use application.

Encrypt Teams

End to end encrypted (E2EE) and pseudonymous chat, group communication, online training, file collaboration, information wiki, repositories and websites to protect your people and their contacts.

Zero Data Leakage

All communication is your own. There is no meta data stored or accessible on users, not even a phone number, email, social graph or IP address, which protects both your team and network of contacts from being leaked.

Replace VPNs

The easiest to use and most secure solution to tunnel organization resources, websites, and information by replacing traditional VPNs in the most sensitive regions around the world.

Get going in less than 2 minutes!

International NGOs, organizations and mission groups require a specialized security. We get it, we've lived it for most of our lives. Our desire is to help protect your people, contacts and communication while supporting your purposes to bless people around the world. Traditional VPNs and modern cloud storage solutions are costly and don't have the level of communication security or privacy required. If you need a secure communication solution for restricted or sensitive environments around the world, please contact us or read more on the blog, Diode may be the perfect app.