Diode Tutorial Workshop at Taipei Tech
by Yahsin Huang | October 20, 2020 | Category: Diode
We’re excited to announce that Diode core team is going to host a hands-on tutorial workshop with Taipei Tech Blockchain Research student group - also known as the National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) Blockchain Research Club 北科大區塊鏈研究社 - on Wednesday night, from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM, October 28, 2020.
The Diode tutorial workshop is organized by Diode blockchain engineer Peter Lai, marketing manager Yahsin Huang, Taipei Tech Blockchain Research Club student leaders Kai-Sun Chang, Chin-Yu Hsu, and Panda Zeng. The 2-hour workshop will be offered on-campus. The exact location will be announced in the coming days.
We’ve designed the Taipei Tech hands-on workshop to be two parts of a Diode learning journey. The first part is the preparation, where we guide workshop participants to set up a MetaMask crypto wallet, as well as set up the Diode network, using the CustomRPC in MetaMask.
The Custom RPC setup step involves one to manually type in the following details:
- Network name: diode
- RPC: https://prenet.diode.io:8443
- ChainID: 15
- Symbol: DIODE
- Explorer: https://diode.io/prenet
Once you’ve got your MetaMask set up, go to Diode’s prenet site and register your custom Blockchain Name System (BNS) name. Put your BNS name on our workshop’s dedicated HackMD notes - it’s where we gather all the BNS names registered by the workshop participants. The fun part is if you get your BNS names before the workshop, you’ll be able to win more diode tokens that’d be useful for interacting with our smart contracts.
The second part of the workshop will be the playing and experimenting part. It’s going to happen on the day of the workshop event. Peter Lai, Diode blockchain engineer, the instructor of the Wednesday tutorial workshop, will be using the codes he wrote specifically for the Taipei Tech Blockchain Research Club. The sample codes will be able to allow workshop participants to interact with the Dapp smart contracts.
At the workshop, Peter will be giving an overview of what Diode CLI is about, what makes it an interesting tool to use, and how to use it. If you’d like to give it a go yourself, go to Diode’s Download and grab Diode CLI today!
The biggest experiment we will be doing on the workshop day is to guide participants to publish a Diode network hosted website with a line: “My Address is 0x……… send me diode tokens” - adding a fun element to the self-hosting diode website.
Workshop participants will be able to use the internet browser, as well as the MetaMask wallet to vote who made the best website. The vote will be casted through sending diode tokens on the testnet. Whoever gets the most diode tokens on testnet will be the winner of the best over-the-diode-network self-hosting website maker challenge!
Peter has written some sample smart contract codes for the workshop activities. Check out the codes on Github: https://github.com/diodechain/workshop If you’d like to attend the workshop, please reach out to Yahsin or Peter for further information.